Professor Ole-Christoffer Granmo

Professor Ole-Christoffer Granmo is Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research (CAIR). His passion for artificial intelligence was lit at the age of ten when he got his first computer and discovered programming. Fascinated by the idea of superintelligence, he obtained his master’s degree in informatics in 1999 and the PhD degree in 2004, both from the University of Oslo, Norway. Granmo develops theory and algorithms for systems that explore, experiment and learn in complex real-world environments. Drawing inspiration from the paradigms of deep reinforcement learning and probabilistic causal reasoning, he seeks to surpass human capability in flexible pattern recognition, model building and reasoning. Within his field of research, Granmo has written more than 115 refereed journal and conference publications.

Dr Anil Yaman

Anil Yaman is Assistant Professor in the Computational Intelligence Group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Eindhoven University of Technology and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Neuroscience-inspired AI at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Previously, he also worked in the Department of Biomedical Informatics in Columbia University as a researcher. His main areas of research interests are evolutionary computation, artificial neural networks, and swarm intelligence. Anil is particularly interested in biologically inspired computing models and approaches to learning.